and with that, the FCM is switched on. it's the start of a week, so 2009 is here. last year, i had a series of false starts and it was the second week in february before the focus was clicked in. not so, this year. the field is deeper and my goals are evolving. i think about it on a daily basis and have had to push back the guilt of not being "dialed in" up to this point. maybe it's just unfinished business as my mind and body know better. wait. slowly squeeze the trigger. it's not time just yet.
time spent tonight in the company of veterans and my pacer stoked the fire. why wait? i've already been dreaming about it.
sure was nice to close the shop up on christmas and enjoy the outdoors. snowshoes with the bombshell and friends were of the highest quality. beautiful day outside. clean mountain air and sunshine at 5,000 feet. i found myself with my tongue out trying to taste the day. lots of smiles and quality time spent in good conversation. slept well that evening. the rains are here now and it might be a few weeks before we see snow like that in our mountains. rain makes those fluffy clouds of powder feel like muddy mortar real quick. i'll wait it out.
Nice blog! MonkeyBoy Kamp has been officially scheduled.
June 10-13, 2009
Who will be there?
How did I not know about your blog? There's some good stuff in here.
Happy New Year
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