Tuesday, January 15, 2008


the sun has power. mindset. the smiles on others faces. watching plants and grass turn and reach out for it's rays. it's a powerful things. it's not hard to see why it has been worshiped by cultures. the weight loss has balanced and i am actually 3 pounds back up. my hunger has returned and the only remnants of my sickness seem to be this thick krupi in my chest plate and the burning cough that is expectorating the shit out. sleep is so important. i am amazed at how much i could get in one day and still be tired. the sickness seems at it's worst when i am awakening.

sun is here for the next three days at least after shining bright and beautiful all day today. porching was returned to the fold and teetee got a chance to get outside and eat some grass and roll around in the compost pile. yuk. but she has been deprived for a few months.

going to try and emerge enough tomorrow to go gently turn my legs over a bit for about 20 minutes and see what running and breathing does to this crap in my chest. this will be the test as to whether i need to seek help from a medical professional as i have exhausted the over the counter and alternative naturopath meds. of course, my appetite returning is making a huge difference. i just don't want this stuff to linger for a few more weeks if a few antibiotics can knock it out for good. i rode gretchen fetchen up to the store to fill her basket with orange juice for her inaugural ride. been debating whether to get my boy, lane, to build her a sweet cetma instead of the basket, or to just go full on xtracycle. her purpose is for fetchen stuff. groceries. liquids. items for the garden. one step closer to not having to use the car unless leaving town.

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